
Our goals and objectives

SYMBIO unlocks local bioeconomy by promoting sustainable and innovative paths towards the green transition, towards the strategic objectives of:

  • Identifying and evaluating resources and technical solutions enabling industrial symbiosis and circularity by design in the bio-based ecosystem.
  • Shaping symbiotic value chains using a zero-waste approach through big data and artificial intelligence tools.
  • Develop an integrated reporting system to measure and monitor industrial symbiosis based on regional multi-stakeholder co-creation approaches.
  • Demonstrating zero waste’s economic, social and environmental impacts of industrial symbiosis models.
  • Engage multi-stakeholder objectives in accelerating local industrial symbiosis and training of circular practitioners.

Our strategy  

Using big data and artificial intelligence, SYMBIO strengthens the ability of regional biobased industrial ecosystems to design, model and implement symbiotic business models. The sustainability and replicability of the approach are demonstrated by identifying zero-waste business models and developing a modelling, monitoring, and reporting system to ensure local independence from resource supply and deliver a decision-making tool to companies, policymakers, and the scientific community. The SYMBIO methodology tested in 12 pilot regions is structured in four phases:

Data-Hub Building
Scout and analyse resources, solutions, and market enablers to make them accessible to industries that trigger symbiotic activities close to the market.

Value-chain Design
Connect companies in circular value chains based on their specific materials flows and available technologies for material reprocessing, proven value change design, regulatory requirements and more.

Business Modelling
Develop a Circular Index and a reporting system to support companies in building a business model based on recycling, upcycling, and downcycling by-products and energy use in industrial symbiosis.

Business Deploy
Accelerate the development of business classes identified by measuring social, economic and environmental impact to maximise the support of companies, investors and regions.